Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Update to the Collage

So that collage I posted a while ago of the Star Gate world with the pin up is becoming a painting. This is the under painting to the mock up. It's 8x10 and will ultimately end up around 20x30.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Fourth of July Babe

Neighborhood Walks

Love finding these beautiful little places in my neighborhood. I try to take a different route every day when I walk the dog. I think most of the buildings in the area are built in the 1890s. This castle building is from 1899 and was an Armory. Now it is a men's rooming house, much like the Armory on Atlantic Avenue built around the same time. Can't imagine what they look like on the inside now that they've been converted to living quarters. Probably much like a college dorm.
The rope swing is really romantic to me. To put something like that in the middle of a city is so fantastic. Using it must really transport you.

Painting Mock

I just love bad photoshop so much.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Fok Non Ratty

So my cat has killed a couple nice lately, which has got me thinking about vermin.
Which made me paint vermin. Obviously. I figured that rats would probably live in an underground anarchist society ruled over by the rat king, complete with bad rat graffiti.